It can be a very difficult thing to learn, that food isn't love, that it can't fill an emptiness that is no longer there but feels there when memories or emotions circle like vultures.
Yet, you must learn it because the consequences are dire. Heart disease is a thief in the night. And Type 2 diabetes is its sidekick. Both thrive on processed food, on the baked goods, the frozen meals, the sweet things.
I learned the hard way - a triple bypass at 54 and medication for the rest of my life. Fortunately, I was able to change diet and exercise after the operation and I am not required to take insulin but that was all the luck I got. I don't expect perfection - an occasional treat gives me the feeling of normality. I quit smoking at the same time and that was both easier and harder than expected. Easier because I've had zero cravings or physical reactions to quitting, harder because cigarettes were a weight control tool for me and now its gone. Be kind and good to yourself but with the same discipline exerted with a child. Take care of yourself.