The trick is to finding the balance between what is truly healthy for our bodies and what we might believe we need for our minds. Two hundred years ago, if you farmed or lived from the land, your body would be in better shape, quite likely, but you would have to work harder to keep an agile mind happy and contented. There is never just one way.
Taking as much pre-processed food from your diet is a good start. Cooking from fresh ingredients, maybe even the ones you can grow yourself, even if only in pots, helps a great deal too. Mostly, the soils and the way of growing food isn't within our control, but being aware of that helps. Soils get tapped out by constant cropping or overgrazing. The loss of minerals taken up by plants or animals is revealed in our health (and theirs).
I'm preaching to the converted, sorry :) Find the things that give you satisfaction, the feeling of your time well spent.